
Month: January 2023

testosterone replacement therapy

Can you Start and Stop Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Testosterone replacement therapy, or TRT, is a treatment for both men and women whose bodies don’t produce enough testosterone. Low testosterone can cause various problems, such as low energy levels, sex drive, and erectile dysfunction.

Testosterone replacement therapy involves taking testosterone through injections, gels, or patches to help restore optimal testosterone levels.

Ideally, testosterone treatment is a long-term process. Stopping testosterone replacement therapy can cause several problems and must be approached carefully.

How do Testosterone Levels Affect our Health?

Testosterone levels are related to health in several ways. For example, testosterone plays a role in developing male sex characteristics, such as facial and body hair, a deep voice, and increased muscle mass.

For women, testosterone production also plays a key role in fertility and the production of red blood cells. As we age, natural testosterone production declines, decreasing muscle mass, hair loss, fatigue, obesity, and more.

Low testosterone levels can even increase the risk of developing diseases like osteoporosis, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes.

Conversely, testosterone levels that are too high have been associated with prostate cancer risk, cardiovascular diseases, and high cholesterol.

As a result, striking the correct balance of testosterone by helping it to remain within the normal, healthy range is paramount. Testosterone replacement therapy can have life-changing results along with regular exercise and supplementation.

How does Testosterone Therapy Work?

Essentially, testosterone replacement therapy through the intake of exogenous testosterone works by restoring ideal testosterone levels in the body.

Testosterone replacement therapy can provide several benefits. For example, it can help to increase muscle mass, restore decreased energy, reduce fat mass, improve bone density, and increase red blood cell production. Additionally, it can improve mood and well-being and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

TRT works by administering testosterone to the body to reduce low testosterone symptoms. TRT works to restore normal testosterone levels by aiding the gonadotropin-releasing hormone, which stimulates luteinizing hormone and affects how much testosterone the body makes.

One can start testosterone therapy in many ways, such as injections, supplements, gels, patches, or implants.

Depending on your doctor’s recommendations, TRT may be used with estrogen blockers, selective estrogen receptor modulators, or SERMs. SERMs increase downstream testosterone production and are just one tool that can be used to boost the effectiveness of testosterone replacement therapy.

Stopping TRT

If you want to stop testosterone replacement therapy, you must talk to your doctor first. They can help you weigh the risks and benefits of stopping TRT, as well as a plan to taper down testosterone treatments.

Importantly, it is inadvisable to stop the treatment of cold turkey. When receiving TRT, the body will likely experience positive benefits with many unpleasant symptoms alleviated. These symptoms will likely return upon stopping testosterone replacement therapy and should be monitored carefully.

Beat Low Testosterone with Tucson Wellness MD

At Tucson Wellness MD, we empower you to live the life you want by giving you the tools and the medical care needed to help you live longer, live stronger, and live better. Whether you want to burn fat to accelerate weight loss, please take advantage of our beauty services, or reduce the need for invasive surgery along your pain relief journey. Tucson Wellness MD is interested in your best self.

We believe in a scientific, evolutionary approach to health and modern pain relief. As a result we use only the most advanced, pharmaceutical-grade products to stimulate healing and help you reach your goals.

Health should fit your lifestyle, and we will work with you to create a plan that meets your needs and improves your quality of life.

We invite you to learn more by continuing to explore our website.


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